Welcome, dear friends! Here you will find an assortment of snippets and reflections ... and hopefully some encouraging quotes from people like John Piper and C.S. Lewis and ... most of all ... the Scriptures. :-) Leave a comment if you'd like - I would love to hear from you! Have a GREAT day.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Yesterday at the picnic was so nice.

I caught up with and prayed with friends on staff, walked around the little lake, swang on the swings, played lots of volleyball, and of course ate to my little heart's content. :oD

It was truly a memorable time!

Tonight I'm meeting up with some gals from my prayer and share group at Stonebriar, the church I was going to until the Lord directed me to the new church. We're eating at Mi Cocina. I've never eaten there before, but it SOUNDS good. (Tex-Mex! Need I say more?!)

Tomorrow I'm going to a Muslim outreach seminar at my new church. It will be all-day which could get slightly tiring, but I am truly looking forward to this opportunity to not only start getting to know people at my church, but especially also to learn how I can more effectively intercede for the Muslim world.

It's been totally incredible how the Lord has directed me to this new church. HE is SO good. I could write more, but I'm really hoping to make some much-needed returns at Kohl's and use a coupon there before I go to Mi Cocina to meet the gals, so I should really get going.

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