Welcome, dear friends! Here you will find an assortment of snippets and reflections ... and hopefully some encouraging quotes from people like John Piper and C.S. Lewis and ... most of all ... the Scriptures. :-) Leave a comment if you'd like - I would love to hear from you! Have a GREAT day.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Today has been a good day.

Sharing at the ladies' luncheon went well overall. I felt like I rambled a bit in parts (hee hee) but I know God is FAITHFUL and uses even my ramblings. :o) He is SO good.

It was so nice to get to catch up and fellowship with the women there. This afternoon my mom and I went shopping and ... had a $1.99 cutting board to show for it. :oD It was fun, though! More than anything, I enjoyed the mother-daughter time. Getting to spend some time in Mobile together was something the Lord really blessed us with, especially when I'll be here such a short time before I head back to Texas.

I really enjoyed catching up with people from my college church at the missions supper tonight, too! It was so cute; Paul, who along with his wife happens to be one of the many people at this church that I affectionately have often referred to as adoptive parents, came up to me and said in a teasing tone, "I have to tell you this! When we heard you were staying overnight with Sam, I looked at my wife and was like, 'Whoa, who is this Sam person?'" Then of course his wife quickly explained to him.

[Yes, for all you who are writing this, Sam IS a girl. :o) I think that's such a fun nickname! We went to college together and have fond memories of oozeball (volleyball in the mud--no joke!!!) together. Good times!]

Tonight after the dinner, and after I had tested out tomorrow's powerpoint presentation on the church laptop [and set up my table with my worldmap tablecloth and India trip pictures :o)], Sam and I caught up with some more buddies over hot chocolate and various other tasty beverages at a nearby Starbucks. That was fun!

Now I'm at Sam's apartment and we're having so much fun chatting and laughing together. We'll probably go to bed soon though because tomorrow we have to be at a 8:15 breakfast, and I don't think either one of us are morning people. (hee hee)


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