Welcome, dear friends! Here you will find an assortment of snippets and reflections ... and hopefully some encouraging quotes from people like John Piper and C.S. Lewis and ... most of all ... the Scriptures. :-) Leave a comment if you'd like - I would love to hear from you! Have a GREAT day.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

If you receive reward in heaven for bringing someone a cup of cold water, think of what your reward will be for bringing pizza.

These words spoken to me by a fellow staff member today encouraged and warmed my heart. It was incredibly easy, and no problem at all, for me to go down to Cici's and get the pizza for the staff lunch in the kitchen. And I was so happy for the privilege to do it, for the opportunity to help out in this way.

But sometimes it's just so nice to feel needed and appreciated . . . and that your life is counting for something greater than yourself. :o) That's the incredible thing about everything we do here at Gospel for Asia's U.S. office . . . when done in Jesus' name, it is ALL so signficant for His kingdom and for establishing churches in Asia.

What a privilege.

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