Welcome, dear friends! Here you will find an assortment of snippets and reflections ... and hopefully some encouraging quotes from people like John Piper and C.S. Lewis and ... most of all ... the Scriptures. :-) Leave a comment if you'd like - I would love to hear from you! Have a GREAT day.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Sam and I ended up staying up until two in the morning talking! But it was so much fun. She and I had a blast catching up and talking about everything from what the Lord is doing in our lives, to New Zealand and what old acquintances are up to these days.

[Sam, if you are reading this, you are an awesome sister in the Lord, and I SO much enjoyed all the fun times we shared this weekend. And I hope you are getting a wonderful night's sleep and feel nice and rested in the morning. (And remember, there's always caffeine, as we both know. :oD) I was going to tell you, feel free to call me anytime you wanna chat or anything! If nothing else, I definitely look forward to seeing ya again when I'm back on the Coast or you're in the big D in Texas! :o) I'll probably send ya an e-card sometime this week, because I saw your email addy in the new church directory I picked up.]

Being back in my college church for worship this morning was so nice. And the guest speaker who shared as part of the missions conference gave a message that really encouraged and challenged me. He talked about how the hardest times can be the times of greatest blessing in our lives and the times when God uses us in unexpected ways! He also talked about finding creative ways to give more to the Lord's work. I was inspired and took that as a personal challenge, something I'd like to work on more in my own life!

I so much enjoyed fellowshipping with people at tonight's supper! I had the opportunity to share during the program, I shared about the Mising tribe in India, and showed a powerpoint. I thank the Lord that for the most part I didn't even feel nervous. :o) I tend to be kind of shy about public speaking, but some of my friends from the church were telling me they thought I always did a good job. That really encouraged me.

This has been such a nice weekend.

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