Welcome, dear friends! Here you will find an assortment of snippets and reflections ... and hopefully some encouraging quotes from people like John Piper and C.S. Lewis and ... most of all ... the Scriptures. :-) Leave a comment if you'd like - I would love to hear from you! Have a GREAT day.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I think it was a good day overall.

I had a nice time eating spaghetti downstairs in our Believers Cafe with my friend Kara. She was the first person I saw upon arriving on staff here, which was special. We almost immediately knew we would be great friends!

Something else especially exciting, Kara happened to mention today how she enjoys being on the worship team at the church she and her husband attend, singing songs and playing piano. I asked if she would like her keyboard back. (She had sold it for a good price to people at the ministry, and my roommates at the time, being the kind and thoughtful people that they are, grabbed it for me since they knew I played the piano!) I appreciate the thought, but have rarely had the chance to play the keyboard, and right now it's in storage in my small apartment.

So what was really cool today is that my friend was like, "Really? Are you sure?! I have been praying for a keyboard, and everytime I thought I was going to get one, I've had to use the extra money for something else. But it's been on my heart to keep praying." [I LOVE it when that happens. ] God is awesome!

And something else really fun? She has decided that since she is being blessed again with a keyboard, I should be "blessed" with a Market Fresh chicken salad sandwich from Arby's. Just to see how I could be a blessing, how God worked in that way, was enough for me, but, hey, if she is going to insist on treating me to a delicious sandwich next time we go to lunch together, I won't complain. :o)

God is good.

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