Welcome, dear friends! Here you will find an assortment of snippets and reflections ... and hopefully some encouraging quotes from people like John Piper and C.S. Lewis and ... most of all ... the Scriptures. :-) Leave a comment if you'd like - I would love to hear from you! Have a GREAT day.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Yesterday at the picnic was so nice.

I caught up with and prayed with friends on staff, walked around the little lake, swang on the swings, played lots of volleyball, and of course ate to my little heart's content. :oD

It was truly a memorable time!

Tonight I'm meeting up with some gals from my prayer and share group at Stonebriar, the church I was going to until the Lord directed me to the new church. We're eating at Mi Cocina. I've never eaten there before, but it SOUNDS good. (Tex-Mex! Need I say more?!)

Tomorrow I'm going to a Muslim outreach seminar at my new church. It will be all-day which could get slightly tiring, but I am truly looking forward to this opportunity to not only start getting to know people at my church, but especially also to learn how I can more effectively intercede for the Muslim world.

It's been totally incredible how the Lord has directed me to this new church. HE is SO good. I could write more, but I'm really hoping to make some much-needed returns at Kohl's and use a coupon there before I go to Mi Cocina to meet the gals, so I should really get going.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

This is my 345th post.

We all are fixing to leave the office, because we've having a staff picnic this afternoon! Ruthie, who is my age and has been raising support to join us on staff, will be coming. I look forward to catching up with and hopefully encouraging her. :o)

I have an "unspoken" that is dear to my heart. I KNOW I can fully trust God with it ... that HE is always good and He knows what's best. I think He is teaching me a lot about trusting Him, in various circumstances. Not that it's always been easy, but I feel encouraged that I have definitely been learning more about trusting Him, even when I don't really know what's going on.

Well, now I'm going home to change clothes, grab a couple games and maybe even catch a quick snooze before going out to the picnic. : ) Later.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I think it was a good day overall.

I had a nice time eating spaghetti downstairs in our Believers Cafe with my friend Kara. She was the first person I saw upon arriving on staff here, which was special. We almost immediately knew we would be great friends!

Something else especially exciting, Kara happened to mention today how she enjoys being on the worship team at the church she and her husband attend, singing songs and playing piano. I asked if she would like her keyboard back. (She had sold it for a good price to people at the ministry, and my roommates at the time, being the kind and thoughtful people that they are, grabbed it for me since they knew I played the piano!) I appreciate the thought, but have rarely had the chance to play the keyboard, and right now it's in storage in my small apartment.

So what was really cool today is that my friend was like, "Really? Are you sure?! I have been praying for a keyboard, and everytime I thought I was going to get one, I've had to use the extra money for something else. But it's been on my heart to keep praying." [I LOVE it when that happens. ] God is awesome!

And something else really fun? She has decided that since she is being blessed again with a keyboard, I should be "blessed" with a Market Fresh chicken salad sandwich from Arby's. Just to see how I could be a blessing, how God worked in that way, was enough for me, but, hey, if she is going to insist on treating me to a delicious sandwich next time we go to lunch together, I won't complain. :o)

God is good.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Last night, after Tirina and I had finished praying together, I had an incredible time with the Lord. I was walking along the road in front of the office, praying and singing out to Him. :o) And seeking His face a little in regards to certain areas of my life. I am excited to see what He will do! [I can fully trust Him ... each moment ... regardless of each circumstance that comes my way. He knows what He's doing!]

It was an absolutely WONDERFUL time of being in His presence and communing with Him. I love Him so much and ultimately want to be so much closer to Him! He has been so gentle and patient with me, I must say. I want to be more faithful! I love being with Him.

Before prayer meeting tonight, a few co-workers and I went to Sonic for half-price burgers and other treats. :o) It was quite fun. At one point, we were even singing along with the oldies' music. :oD

Several people complimented me on the outfit I was wearing tonight. That was really fun. :o)

Monday, March 27, 2006

I just got back to my desk from praying with Tirina. We spent an hour praying and sharing about what the Lord has been doing in each of our lives.

And, wow, I feel so encouraged.

We are each going through situations in our lives that aren't the easiest, but the Lord is using them to help us walk more closely with HIM ... and to rest ultimately in HIM and look to HIM for our fulfillment. And for that, we are thankful.

As I write this, a beautiful hawk is sitting on the light post outside. Thank You, Lord! I have always enjoyed watching these wonders of God's creation, but now it's especially meaningful when I see one -- I am reminded of God's tender care over every aspect of my life. [See March 13 entry]

And this morning, I happened to glance up from writing a note to a ministry supporter to see a co-worker smiling at me. It made my morning. It's like the Lord knew I needed that at that moment.

I love those moments when God chooses to show His loving care over my life by blessing me with "the little things". :O)

[P.S. The Lord also allowed something quite encouraging to happen in regards to the painful situation I mentioned in yesterday's entry.]

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Today's message at church (Christ Pres.) was so good. It was about how Jesus went through everything we would go through and how Jesus cares. How looking at the Cross shows us that.

It was totally what I needed to hear. And on the way in to church, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" started playing on the radio, and I almost broke down in tears. It was so applicable to what I had been going through and praying about. I felt moved that the Lord allowed me to hear that, and felt He had given me the song for that moment.

There have been situations in my life at different times [and one in particular, recently] that have been painful, that the Lord has allowed for whatever reason. I know He has a purpose. And, if nothing else, it has brought me to my knees before Him to yearn all the more to grow closer to Him, which is most important ... by faith, I am thankful for the pain, for it has driven me to remember that my sufficiency is in Him and Him Alone. That He and He Alone will never let me down.

Praise God.

[On a different note, I'm fixing to go play soccer with some young people from the ministry. I look forward to that. It's such a nice day for it.]

Saturday, March 25, 2006

I had the privilege to go and hear some of our interns share about their India trip at a local church. Hearing some of the things they shared so encouraged and motivated me to want to pray more and be more dedicated and committed in laboring to reach the lost.

What a privilege is ours.

After I heard the interns share, I met up with Shelley so we could go and look for her a mother of the groom dress for her son's wedding. This was our second big excursion out to look for this outfit ... and today we were successful! YAY! We prayed as we were leaving, and it was like GOD directed us to the right place and everything. It wasn't even somewhere that was on our "itinerary." It's a kind of mauvish-pink dress and looks lovely on her.

My feet are soooooo tired now. But it was such a nice day hanging out together. I found a few things for myself, too! When we were done shopping for mother of the groom dresses and could just "play" we went to a different mall, and found this really neat store that Shelley just loved, that had great clothes she'd been looking for to wear for work, but couldn't find anywhere. I'm so happy for her, and it was so much fun watching her excitement as she walked around the store -- it was kind of like a little kid in a candy store for the first time. :o)

And today I ate at one of my favorite restaurants for lunch, Chick-fila. [Who could complain about that?]

Friday, March 24, 2006

Shelley, Shar, Angie and I all hung out tonight.

First we went to this one store where we just had a few minutes to look around before they closed, then we went to Steinmart. It was fun chatting, trying on stuff, and giving each other our opinions. : )

We also went and ate at Reb Lobster. I've never eaten there before and was impressed that not only is the food reasonable, but my apple walnut chicken salad (which was very tasty!) will last me probably two more meals. :oD

Tonight was so much fun!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Today went by pretty quickly.

The Lord brought together a web story I'd been working on, that had tricky parts. That was a good feeling! And now it's "out of my hands" and in proofing. :o)

I'm so excited about my plans for after work (as soon as I finish this post).

First I'm going to Costco to pick up my pictures from one-hour developing. There will be pictures from the missions conference at my much-loved college church, as well as some pictures from last night's surprise birthday party for one of the girls on staff, where we played Twister.

[I don't think I'd played that game since early junior high; my arms were so sore today. :oD]

Then I'm going across the street to the mall, where there will be an event with "light refreshments" and I'll use my Chick-fila coupon and a coupon for American Greeting Card Co. :o)

Tonight when I get back, I also hope to pick up some around the apartment. AND have time with the Lord!

I look forward to a nice, relaxing evening.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Today was my Daddy's birthday.

My mom made him crabmeat casserole (his favorite! :O)) and a buttermilk pound cake. I sent him an e-card with a frog that catches a fly. I figured he'd probably like it, and he did. :o)

I had the opportunity a few minutes ago to run a quick errand for Dorie, my good friend and former roommate. I considered it a privilege! She is having over for supper a potential intern and her mother, and wanted cake to go with strawberries to make strawberry shortcake.

Just now, I've been catching up blog entries from when I didn't get a chance to post. And now? I'm heading home, I think, to rest and the like, before we have prayer meeting tonight.

The interns will be sharing about their India trip -- YAY!

Monday, March 20, 2006

My friend Julia and I met up tonight after work. We had a nice time together! First I picked her up at a car repair shop where she had dropped off her daughter's vehicle. Then, we went back to her apartment for supper and a movie. I had beef stew and she had chicken alfredo. :o)

I enjoyed my evening; I just can't believe how tired I was, even as early as 8 or 9 '0 clock. :oD

The weather was really pretty today; it was hard to believe it rained so hard over the weekend. Over lunch time, I walked and prayed in a neighborhood across the street.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

It was a rainy day.

So when I awoke this morning, I thought about going to my "current" (not new) church, as it is quite a bit closer than the church I've started visiting.

I ended up there, and it was incredible; it's like there was a purpose for me being back there, even though I missed getting to visit the other church, the other I sense the Lord may be leading me toward.

For one, my old friend Tracy from our Sunday school class was there, and we had the opportunity to catch up as I gave her a ride to our group lunch. IF I hadn't been back at that church today, I probably wouldn't have gotten to see her.

AND ... the message was incredible. We had a guest speaker who basically went through highlights of the life of Joseph, and the many trials he faced. He shared how everything is for a reason and how God is in utter and complete control over, for example, broken hopes, hard times, prolonged waiting, and, especially, in control over EVERYTHING that happens in our lives, good and bad. It was so encouraging.

So, there were two great reasons for me being at that church today. I love it when that happens. Thank you, Lord.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

My parents had such a nice time today with my friends from my college church! And they were deeply grateful for all the wonderful help as well ... and absolutely amazed at everything that got done today!

I had a nice day, too, hanging out with my friend from work, Shelley. We went to Kohl's and she found some work outfits, and I found a couple things as well. We both found some great jewelry on sale. :o)

We had fun eating at Quizno's and then shopping some more before meeting up with friends from my Sunday school group later today.

It was a very nice day.

Friday, March 17, 2006

I'm looking forward to the weekend!

Tonight I look forward to maybe running by a couple places really quick, but mostly probably just relaxing and getting stuff done around the apartment. : )

Then tomorrow, my friend Shelley and I are taking a mini shopping excursion. She spotted a store with a really good sale and asked if I'd like to join her. I was like, "Sure!" She needs to find some things, so we may also run by the mall and places like that.

I'll also meet up with some friends from Sunday school, tomorrow night. And I'm looking forward to visiting the new church again this Sunday. It will be exciting to see how the Lord continues to lead me as far as churches. I just want to be at the church HE has for me. :oD

Oh, and some people from my college church are heading down to the Coast tomorrow to help my parents (and others, too, I think!) for a little bit with hurricane-related stuff. I'm so glad for that! I've truly been touched by all the people, far and near, who have given of their time to help people in my hometown.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

I can't believe it's Thursday.

In some ways, this week has gone by fast. Some of us went over last night to Chloe's again, to help unload one of her family member's moving trucks. Afterwards she fed us hot beef sandwiches and yummy desserts! It was a nice time of fellowshiping with other staff.

It is so nice outside; I may go take a walk for a bit. That and hang around my apartment, working on some things and also just plain 'ole relaxing. :o)

Tomorrow I'm going to lunch with Dawn, another staff member. She is a mom and works part-time at the office. We're going to Arby's -- yum! :o) Chicken salad sandwich, here I come!

[I went to Arby's earlier this week with another friend from work, but you won't see me complaining about going a second time -- their Market Fresh sandwiches are delish! Nicole, if you're reading this blog right now you're probably laughing at this point. You love to tease me about how I'm always mentioning food on my blog. :oD]

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

This morning I didn't get up as early ... but still had time to read Genesis 2.

God is so good to us. His kindness is incredible to me, that even knowing we would sin and grieve His heart, He still created a beautiful place for Adam to live in, and provided wonderfully for him in every way. How incredible that must have been -- probably more beauty in the setting than the most scenic place you can imagine on this earth, and supremely beautiful for a little while, because untainted by sin.


God's Word is truly so living and active. There's nothing like it. Reading passages like this colors my day with a bright, heavenly hue: With a God like that, why do I ever doubt that He has my best interests at heart, in EVERY circumstance? And that He loves me more than I can imagine, cares about my life even down to the tiniest, most minute detail, and can be trusted in ALL circumstances.

I don't know about you, but I am glad to know a God like that.

Monday, March 13, 2006

It's hard for me to get up in the mornings. I'm so not a morning person ... and usually I'll wait until the last possible minute (practically!) to get up.

But this morning I found myself rising up early to read in Genesis 1, where I have started reading just recently so I can have more consistency in my quiet times and also read through the entire Bible.

Part of the text talked about God creating the birds. Wanting very much to find application in what I read, even at 7:15 in the morning as I sat up in my bed, I found myself thinking for a moment of how kind God is to us, that even knowing that mankind would sin against Him, He created beautiful birds for us to enjoy.

Then I hustled about to get ready in my probably still half-asleep state, not thinking much more about it for the moment.

Well, during prayer meeting this morning just moments later, the guy sharing requests stopped himself suddenly stopped himself to point out this huge, beautiful hawk outside. It was so cute; it looked like it was peeking in at us through the window. :o)


God is so good. Even in those spiritual "dry" times like it feels like now, He can be trusted. And He is at work. Yesterday's sermon at church was encouraging about trusting God to bring to maturity the seeds He plants in our lives and those of other people. The pastor reminded us of Philippians 1:6, challenging us to TRUST God that, truly, He who has began a good work in us WILL bring it to completion.
I visited the new church today.

Nothing earth-shattering happened, but pretty much the whole time I was there, I kept having this wonderful sense of peace, this feeling like, I should be here.

I have peace about at least pursuing this new direction and seeing where it goes. It will be neat to see what the Lord does.

Every Sunday they have communion, which is kind of neat. I have never been anywhere where they do that every week! Anyhow, it was a neat time of renewal ... of seeking the Lord's face and being reminded that I want my focus to be on HIM, not me. It can be so easy to get distracted ... I can be so selfish and preoccupied with my own things.

And deep down, I don't want to be that way! I love HIM so much and want to be closer to Him and do that which brings HIM glory.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Today a big group of us on staff went and moved Chloe into her new home where she will live with family. Chloe's a sweetheart. She's one of those people everyone calls "mom". :o)

It was truly a fun time with everyone, going back and forth and moving stuff, lots of joking around, and enjoying some yummy food at the end.

I also went walking a bunch today. I try to be sure to get some good exercise in on the weekends. :o)

Friday, March 10, 2006

Ok, I’m not the only one with Spring Fever, I just stood up and realized that our Creative guy was playing baseball over all the cubicles with the guys in IT. The "ball" is some kind of CD.

This was in an email from my friend Cotrina, and I found it hilarious in the best way. It doesn't get much better than that. :o)

With this beautiful weather and having trouble focusing, I had spring fever today, too. Which is why I took my lunch really late so the afternoon would go by fast!

Tonight some of us from church are hanging out at Cotrina's house for a game night. I'm looking forward to that!

In the meantime, I should probably go by the bank before heading to my apartment to get ready.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

I'm back.

It's a gorgeous day outside. I love days like this!

I'm fixing to leave the office and go walking for a bit at the nature preserve. Then tonight is ladies' meeting at the office. I got so much out of last month's and am looking forward to this time.

Still excited about visiting the church this Sunday. It would be really fun if it does end up to be the one God wants me at, because it has the same name as my much-loved college church. :o)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Post #325.

With that profound thought, I begin today's post. :o)

I have been realizing just how rich my life is ... not in terms of "stuff" or money but in terms of lessons the Lord has taught me, and the enriching relationships He has been blessing me with in my life. I think this weekend really reminded me of that.

And yesterday being back at work, it was fun to go downstairs and eat with a couple of my buddies and celebrate the birthday of another one. Some of us are even playing volleyball on Sunday; I can't wait. :o)

Another thing I can't wait for on Sunday is visiting a church the Lord seems to be leading me toward ... at least to visit and continue seeking HIM about. I am sensing perhaps that He wants me to move on from the church I've been going to here in Texas, despite that I have enjoyed some wonderful times with the people there and have gotten to share the ministry a little bit with them as well.

It's incredible how God cares about every little detail of our lives. He is so faithful and so good to us.

Well, I am heading out now to the midweek service at another church, Calvary Chapel Plano. I love the worship music, and they're going through the Proverbs now. :o)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Sunday night on the way home from my college church, my mom dropped me off to meet up with some longtime good friends, Heather and Jess, for sodas at McAlister's. We had a blast talking and laughing together, like old times. It was really nice.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to catch up with supporters and family in my hometown. My mom, cousin and I went walking through some new neighborhoods they're building closeby. And I enjoyed chatting with my dad, aunt and uncle over Barq's root beer and Breyer's vanilla ice cream.

My flight back to Texas went well. I was pretty tired when I finally got back to my apartment. I actually dozed off for a while and then had to get up to get ready for bed! But I wouldn't trade this weekend for anything ... I had a wonderful time and would do it all again. It's always so nice to catch up with people, especially from that church! :O)

Now I'm fixing to head to a friend's apartment from work, to celebrate another gal's birthday. That will be nice. Then we have prayer meeting, so I probably won't be back at my apartment until well after 9. I think I will sleep very well tonight.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Sam and I ended up staying up until two in the morning talking! But it was so much fun. She and I had a blast catching up and talking about everything from what the Lord is doing in our lives, to New Zealand and what old acquintances are up to these days.

[Sam, if you are reading this, you are an awesome sister in the Lord, and I SO much enjoyed all the fun times we shared this weekend. And I hope you are getting a wonderful night's sleep and feel nice and rested in the morning. (And remember, there's always caffeine, as we both know. :oD) I was going to tell you, feel free to call me anytime you wanna chat or anything! If nothing else, I definitely look forward to seeing ya again when I'm back on the Coast or you're in the big D in Texas! :o) I'll probably send ya an e-card sometime this week, because I saw your email addy in the new church directory I picked up.]

Being back in my college church for worship this morning was so nice. And the guest speaker who shared as part of the missions conference gave a message that really encouraged and challenged me. He talked about how the hardest times can be the times of greatest blessing in our lives and the times when God uses us in unexpected ways! He also talked about finding creative ways to give more to the Lord's work. I was inspired and took that as a personal challenge, something I'd like to work on more in my own life!

I so much enjoyed fellowshipping with people at tonight's supper! I had the opportunity to share during the program, I shared about the Mising tribe in India, and showed a powerpoint. I thank the Lord that for the most part I didn't even feel nervous. :o) I tend to be kind of shy about public speaking, but some of my friends from the church were telling me they thought I always did a good job. That really encouraged me.

This has been such a nice weekend.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Today has been a good day.

Sharing at the ladies' luncheon went well overall. I felt like I rambled a bit in parts (hee hee) but I know God is FAITHFUL and uses even my ramblings. :o) He is SO good.

It was so nice to get to catch up and fellowship with the women there. This afternoon my mom and I went shopping and ... had a $1.99 cutting board to show for it. :oD It was fun, though! More than anything, I enjoyed the mother-daughter time. Getting to spend some time in Mobile together was something the Lord really blessed us with, especially when I'll be here such a short time before I head back to Texas.

I really enjoyed catching up with people from my college church at the missions supper tonight, too! It was so cute; Paul, who along with his wife happens to be one of the many people at this church that I affectionately have often referred to as adoptive parents, came up to me and said in a teasing tone, "I have to tell you this! When we heard you were staying overnight with Sam, I looked at my wife and was like, 'Whoa, who is this Sam person?'" Then of course his wife quickly explained to him.

[Yes, for all you who are writing this, Sam IS a girl. :o) I think that's such a fun nickname! We went to college together and have fond memories of oozeball (volleyball in the mud--no joke!!!) together. Good times!]

Tonight after the dinner, and after I had tested out tomorrow's powerpoint presentation on the church laptop [and set up my table with my worldmap tablecloth and India trip pictures :o)], Sam and I caught up with some more buddies over hot chocolate and various other tasty beverages at a nearby Starbucks. That was fun!

Now I'm at Sam's apartment and we're having so much fun chatting and laughing together. We'll probably go to bed soon though because tomorrow we have to be at a 8:15 breakfast, and I don't think either one of us are morning people. (hee hee)


Friday, March 03, 2006

I am very tired. But not doing too bad, all things considered.

I have so much sensed the Lord going before me as far as this weekend. Not to say things have always been easy as I make preparations, and there are still some unknowns I need to work on and trust HIM for.

But all in all, I am sensing He is going to do great things ... even if I never see them this side of heaven.

Minus the fact that I spilled COKE on my new brown embroidered flower skirt and almost lost an earring, my flight tonight was pretty uneventful.

[The waitress, I mean flight attendant, brought me CLUB soda. "Sounds strange, I know, but it will bring out the stain" said she. Very thoughful. I want to pray for her salvation!]

Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bedbugs bite.
I am very tired. But not doing too bad, all things considered.

I have so much sensed the Lord going before me as far as this weekend. Not to say things have always been easy as I make preparations, and there are still some unknowns I need to work on and trust HIM for.

But all in all, I am sensing He is going to do great things ... even if I never see them this side of heaven.

Minus the fact that I spilled COKE on my new brown embroidered flower skirt and almost lost an earring, my flight tonight was pretty uneventful.

[The waitress, I mean flight attendant, brought me CLUB soda. "Sounds strange, I know, but it will bring out the stain" said she. Very thoughful. I want to pray for her salvation!]

Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bedbugs bite.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

If you receive reward in heaven for bringing someone a cup of cold water, think of what your reward will be for bringing pizza.

These words spoken to me by a fellow staff member today encouraged and warmed my heart. It was incredibly easy, and no problem at all, for me to go down to Cici's and get the pizza for the staff lunch in the kitchen. And I was so happy for the privilege to do it, for the opportunity to help out in this way.

But sometimes it's just so nice to feel needed and appreciated . . . and that your life is counting for something greater than yourself. :o) That's the incredible thing about everything we do here at Gospel for Asia's U.S. office . . . when done in Jesus' name, it is ALL so signficant for His kingdom and for establishing churches in Asia.

What a privilege.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

It's me again.

Today went by fast ... again! It's still beautiful outside. And I had fun again at lunch, with several buddies from the office.

We went outside our staff kitchen to eat our bistro chicken, french bread, red potatoes and homemade carrot cake with delicious cream cheese icing. Suddenly I exuberantly burst out with, "I LOVE carrot cake with homemade cream cheese icing; there's nothing like it!"

A few minutes later, we saw that Jay, one of our fellow staffers, had finished lunch with his wife and was now attempting to fly a huge bright pink kite outside. Well ... we couldn't decide later whether he was flying the kite or the kite was flying him, as it was beginning to look like the kite was going to get caught in the light pole. :oD

But at any rate, I again burst out exuberantly about the beauty of the kite on this nice day. To which one of my lunch companions replied with a big grin, "There's nothing like carrot cake with homemade cream cheese icing and Jay flying a kite ..."

To which we all burst in laughter. :o) It was one of those "had to be there" moments I guess. It was hilarious. Definitely welcome comic relief, especially when I've been so busy this week.