Welcome, dear friends! Here you will find an assortment of snippets and reflections ... and hopefully some encouraging quotes from people like John Piper and C.S. Lewis and ... most of all ... the Scriptures. :-) Leave a comment if you'd like - I would love to hear from you! Have a GREAT day.

Monday, August 23, 2004

I'm back. Had a good day today. In the morning I put my two nephews in the double stroller and took them to the park down the street a little ways. They played for over an hour! A young mother was there with her youngest, 10-month-old Jefferson. She was sweet. I wanted to witness to her but wasn't sure how to bring up the Lord. I can pray for her though! And I have.

When we got back, my sister said it was such a relaxing time for her. I was so glad. A little later, the boys and I went with her to Schlotsky's Deli, one of our favorite restaurants. Then when we got back she showed me how to make a fun pen with glitter and beads on it, and we watched a T.V. show.

My drive back this afternoon and evening was so fun and relaxing. I ran by the Hillsboro outlet mall on my way back--wanting to look at the Bible Factory Outlet and also check for some dishes my parents may be buying for me. I was hungry and also stopped to eat supper. On my way, I saw a man standing on the side of the road (near to the interstate) with his dog, holding a sign that read something like this: Please, a little food. Quite honestly, it broke my heart. I think the man in front of me might have been helping him, because it looked like he had stopped and gotten out there to talk to him.

As I ordered my food, I cried a tiny bit and prayed for the man--that he would know Jesus before it's too late. The situation broke my heart ... I think the biggest thing was to think that there are people in the world just like him, who don't know when their next meal will come from ---and they need Jesus! I was wishing I could just scoop each person in the world into my arms and make it so everybody would know Jesus and have a home in Heaven one day.

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