Welcome, dear friends! Here you will find an assortment of snippets and reflections ... and hopefully some encouraging quotes from people like John Piper and C.S. Lewis and ... most of all ... the Scriptures. :-) Leave a comment if you'd like - I would love to hear from you! Have a GREAT day.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

It's gorgeous outside.

I just got back, because after church I went to a family's house for lunch. It was nice! Then I went with some others from the church for outreach at an assisted living facility in the area. I asked about it and expressed an interest, so I got drafted! [Don't worry, though, I didn't mind. :o)]

Now I'm not sure what I'm going to do ... a group of friends from the ministry are playing soccer but they started at 4, so ... :c) I may go and take a walk at the nature preserve like I did yesterday. That was really nice.

This morning in church, the pastor talked about how all the problems and struggles we face in this life are greater symptoms, ultimately, of the infinitely greater problem of a broken relationship with God. It reminded me of how we were made for eternity, not for this life. We will always have struggles and problems in this life, to a degree.

It can be so very easy to forget we were crafted for eternity ... and that this life is, really, so very short ... because we are surrounded with, bombarded by, the "here and now."

Friday, April 28, 2006

Gotta love Fridays. :o)

It was a good day.

I went to Qdoba Mexican Grill for lunch with Cindi, a friend and co-worker. We had never been, but both give it a "thumbs up." Very reasonable, good food, enough leftovers for tomorrow's lunch. :o) We had a nice time catching up.

Tonight I caught up with my friend and former roommie, Tirina, over pizza and Dutch cookies. :o) We prayed together, watched one episode of this interesting fashion show, and watched the movie Rat Race! Then I was sleepy all of a sudden. But we had a nice time together.

Right after work today, I got my hair cut. As the lady gets ready to style it, she suddenly blurts out rather animatedly, in her cute El Salvador accent, "The flat iron is going to be your new best friend." [My hair is naturally wavy, and she decided to use a flat iron to straighten it tonight. I took pictures to document the event, as my hair will likely never be that straight again. :oD] I let out a hearty laugh, for she and I both know, or at least she should know, that:
A) I hardly even know what a flat iron is; I *barely* know what a curling iron is. LOL.
B) I like to stick to the basics and keep it very simple ... my hair "routine" pretty much consists of washing it, brushing it, and maybe putting it back in a barrette or ponytail holder. Oh yeah, and blowdrying it if I've washed it right before I need to be somewhere. :c)
C) Most of the time, I don't really even wear make-up. Sometimes I do put on lip gloss and mascara.

Still, it was kind of fun watching her try, as she proceeded to tell me all about the "how-to's" of using a flat-iron and where to buy one.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

"... if Christ is raised, and if trusting him means that I will be raised with him, then this life is just a brief prelude to eternal life with Christ and ever-increasing joy with him. And if that is true, then Paul is no fool. His life of radical, risk-taking, sacrificial love is not to be pitied. Pity not them that rise with Christ. Without the resurrection we tend to want our pleasures here and now, and so we avoid risk and danger and difficulty and pain and discomfort and frustration; and so our love is tame and bland and weak and cautious and timid. But, Jesus says, if you believe that your joy in the resurrection will make up for a thousand losses and self-denials and sacrifices and dangers and risks here for the sake of love, then you will love people without a view to what you can get out of it here. It will be sustained by the joy set before you (see Hebrews 12:2). And that will be the kind of love that we all dream about from time to time."
--Jon Piper

I heartily agree with Jon Piper, that "this is the kind of love that we all dream about from time to time." But are we willing to make the sacrifices to have that kind of love?

I have been thinking lately. About how what I may want (or THINK I want) for me is not always--even often not--what GOD wants for me. I may get distracted by the "here and now," but He is always thinking about what will be best for me in the LONG run ... what will build my character. God is far more concerned with our character than our comfort. I heard that a retreat a few years ago, and it's really stuck with me. I find it very comforting when I go through difficult times.

I think about how there were certain things I wished for in college. God in His infinite wisdom didn't grant them to me, although I wanted them so badly. But if I had gotten what I wished for, the whole course of my life would have changed, and I probably wouldn't have come out here to Texas and had the privilege to serve Him here. That's not to say I wouldn't be growing as a Christian still, and all that ... but my life would have definitely been different than it is now.

By coming here to serve at GFA, there have definitely been, by default, things I've had to give up. And it hasn't been easy. There are things at times that don't make sense to me, and that I don't understand. But at the same time, from a kingdom perspective, I don't think there's any better place I could be in this lifetime ... having the opportunity to labor for eternity through my "9 to 5ish" job. What a privilege. And, too, the other day I was sitting around, thinking, "Wow, I actually ENJOY my job." How many people can say that about their vocation?

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Last night I went over to Denton to hang out and eat great fajitas with other young people from the church. We all laughed really hard, and I think a good time was had by all. :o)

One of the guys entertained us with the story of his stolen stuffed monkey with orange hair. I found it absolutely hilarious that his friend actually filed a police report for a stolen stuffed monkey. :oD

My SEND! articles both came together today -- yay! That's always pretty exciting. :o) It was almost two in the afternoon before I handed them in and took a break for lunch, but I totally didn't mind becuase late lunches make the afternoon go by so fast. In celebration, I went and ate at the Willow Bend Mall (Chick-fila) and worked on Philippians. :o) I can't wait to have all four chapters memorized. I'm still working on finishing up Chapter One right now.

It's got to be one of my favorite books of the Bible.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Today our "newcomers" class at church was canceled, so I sat in on the main Sunday school class. The pastor was talking about worship, and how they are so much wanting to gear things in such a way to where people experience Jesus as their everything.

This is so much what I desire in my own life. That He be my biggest, all-consuming passion. It is wonderful to be in His presence, spending time with Him, and that's something I need to do much more!

It was fun; after church, I got two lunch invites and one supper invite for tomorrow! Today I ate with Dennis and Dawn's family, along with several others. We had pot roast, carrots and potatoes. Yum! It was a nice time. I love that I'm already getting to know people at my new church. I already felt this was the church for me, even before I really knew anybody, so it's an added bonus that I've already gotten to meet and talk to so many people there.

I took an hour nap this afternoon, chatted with my mom, and knew I needed to buckle down and work on my SEND! articles, with the deadline close approaching. But I felt I should have time with the Lord first, as He needs to be my inspiration so I can write His words. So ... I felt like He wanted me to read in Exodus. I didn't necessarily have a strong desire to read there today, so I was like, "Are you sure, Lord? Did I hear you right?"

Anyhow, God is SO awesome. I started reading in Exodus and could hardly put it down. Six chapters later, I finally was like, "Okay, I've GOT to start working on my articles." The awesome thing was that reading about the Egyptians and their slavery totally parallels the article I was planning to work on tonight, about our outreach to the Dalits who are in a sense enslaved as the "lowest of the low" in their society.

And the really cool thing? I was reading about Moses, and thinking, Whoa. He got to be a part of liberating the Israelites; how exciting for him! Then I remembered, Wow, I'm getting to reach out to the Dalit people and see THEM experience freedom in Christ. Incredible -- what a privilege.

God is so good.

Friday, April 21, 2006

It's Friday.

This week has gone by so fast. I'm about to go home and make a recipe in the crockpot, then get out for a little bit. :o)

Last night I found some really cute paper lanterns at Old Navy. They were 3 for $10, which seemed like a good deal. So I got three.

Tonight I'm going to get some batteries for them at Wal-mart, and some twine. I can't wait to see them all lit up! :oD

Tomorrow I'm meeting up with other young people on staff for volleyball/frisbee/cookout. That should be fun! I'm hoping I can play volleyball without my feet really hurting, since it's not a lot of running around like soccer would be. ;o) Earlier tomorrow afternoon, a few gals are coming over to see me and us go swimming at the complex! Not sure who all is coming; Maddie's getting a group together.

Then this Sunday is church. I can't wait! I like my new church so much.

Well I had better get home and start my crockpot recipe before the night takes a life of its own.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I took the first part of the day off to run errands, which kind of made the afternoon go by fast. I'm enjoying a lot of the various writing projects I've been working on. The two articles I've been working on for our upcoming SEND! are going quite well so far. I'm so thankful!

I love working on SEND! stuff.

It's been overcast all day, and there's a light drizzle outside right now. Even though I usually much prefer sunny days, there's something kind of pleasant about it.

I still need to get my car inspected. I thought about doing it right after work, but I may wait for another day. I am thinking about using one of my Chick-fila coupons tonight. :o) I have one for a FREE sandwich.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

100th customer.

I wasn't, but it sure would have been nice if I were. It would have meant FREE FOOD at Chick-fila, my all-time favorite! And you wouldn't believe, but I very narrowly missed being the 100th customer of the day.

I think it was the lady who was helped right after me, at the next register over. Suddenly I heard all the people behind the counter cheering and yelling out, "100th customer!"

But at least I had a coupon, so my meal was still pretty cheap. The 350,000th customer gets free Chick-fila meals for a YEAR. For a Chick-fila lover like me, this would be a dream come true. ;oD I mean, you're talking to the person who was willing to dress up in a cow costume, just to get a free combo meal during a special promotion they were having. Unfortunately, I got sick that day and was unable to perform the feat, but I had witnesses who going to be there to document the special event!

Aren't you glad God's grace, His unmerited favor, is limitless ... and not confined to "every 100th or 350,000th time"? I know I am. I thank the Lord for the lessons He has been teaching me lately, and I want to be more faithful in applying them.

My dental cleaning went very well. I enjoy going over there and chatting with the people who work there. Now I'm going home to rest a bit before tonight's prayer meeting, which I'm looking forward to. My team leader will be getting to share requests for our department, the C&E Department, tonight! He has been such a blessing in my life. I truly thank God for him!

Monday, April 17, 2006

This will probably be short, as pretty soon I'm leaving the office to go eat at Wendy's (and pray together!) with my good friend Tirina. :o) We're meeting at Wendy's at 6:30, so this has been a good opportunity for me to catch up on blog entries.

I look forward to the time we'll have together. It's always encouraging sharing what the Lord is doing in our lives as we meet together to pray each week, and I am very excited about the food and fellowship, too! :oD

Tonight I am not sure what all I'll be doing. Probably relaxing and watching a movie and doing some things around the apartment. Also, I'd like to maybe get out in my garden plot at the complex to water and weed it. My little rose bush that I "inherited" is producing beautiful little pink roses again; I like to see those!

Tomorrow I have a dental cleaning at 11:30.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Resurrection Sunday.

I went to my new church again. [I had to miss last Sunday because of a previous commitment at my previous church.] I was so looking forward to being back again. The message was really good, about the demon-possessed man (Mark 5:1-20) whose life was radically transformed by Jesus. The pastor made some great points about what being a follower of Christ truly means, and also brought up the very encouraging truth that if God can transform and use a man possessed by so many demons, how is not ALSO able to transform and use OUR lives, however unpromising they may seem at times?

Very encouraging. I know there's MUCH I desire to see the Lord do in my life. And that excites me. Of course, I need to be willing, too. Truly willing.

I like this new church so much and every week feel so thankful for it ... and excited to be there! I thank the Lord for His faithfulness in leading me there.

When I reached home, I had some wonderful time with the Lord, singing worship songs. I also pulled out of the freezer some white chicken chili I made earlier in the month. I also took a nap and watched a little of Pride and Prejudice while picking up a little around the apartment. It was such a restful and peaceful time.

And tonight, the husband and wife Shelley and I visited this weekend (she's the one on bedrest for 3 months!) had me over for lasagna. It worked out really well for them to have lasagna today, because that's their traditional Easter dinner anyhow, and if I'm not mistaken, Len (the husband) is the one who generally makes it as well. I think Tiffie was able to get up for just a little bit yesterday to start her special homemade sauce on the stove. It was all delicious. We all had a nice visit together; they expressed that they were so glad I could come, and I was incredibly touched, too, by their hospitality.

It was a good day.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

I slept in late.

It was a beautiful day out, and very warm. I went swimming just for a little bit. The water was very cold at first, but once I got in and got used to it, it wasn't bad at all. ;o)

Tonight Shelley and I joined a bunch of other single folks to eat Easter dinner with Chloe, a dear widow on staff who very graciously opened her home to us. The food was delicious and it was nice sitting out by the pool in the back, with the wind blowing.

And we even got Easter goodies! That's right, she brought us each a bag of Easter goodies. It was really fun ... it felt like getting an Easter basket all over again. It's been a LONG time since I've gotten one of those. I used to LOVE that. That, and getting a stocking.

[Then again, it's fun being "all grown up". :o)]

Friday, April 14, 2006

Shelley and I ate at Quiznos and went to the mall. That was fun! We mainly went in Christopher & Banks, where I found a really cute skirt and shirt that I got as an Easter oufit. It was fun trying things on and asking the friendly salespeople for feedback. :o)

We also went to another store in the mall, where we each found pretty necklaces for just $6. My necklace has bright pink buttons on it. I like it!

Before setting off on our shopping excursion, we did get to visit for at least an hour with the young wife going through hard times. [It depended on how she was feeling today, so we were to call her and check to see.] Because of a sciatic nerve problem that is causing MUCH pain, it sounds like, she is prescribed to bedrest for the remaining three months of her pregnancy. She and her husband have been an incredible example to me in their perspective through all of this. When he shared with the rest of our staff one morning during prayer meeting, he basically told us, "Tiffie wants all of you to know that in no way does this change our resolve to be here. We know this is where we are supposed to be."

Tonight Shelley and I went to a special service at Stonebriar Community Church (my old church) for Good Friday. It was a powerful time of reflecting on Jesus, how great is His love for me, and how much I love Him back . . . and being convicted and realizing I want to show Him, in practical ways, that I love Him much more than I have been lately. I journaled during the service some of my thoughts and how powerfully I was sensing the Lord's presence. He almost felt close enough to touch.

I love moments like that.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Today begins a three day weekend.

YAY! I can't believe how quickly this week has gone by. Wow! It's definitely been a good week.

It's beautiful outside. I need to run by the bank to make a quick deposit, and then check on Mo and Dietrich. :o) [of course!]

Tomorrow my friend Shelley and I are meeting up to go eat at Quizno's and swing by Christopher and Banks, a store we both like. And we're hoping to go visit a young wife who is going through some hard times!

Happy Easter.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I am sleepy again. Go figure?! But Friday I can sleep in because we don't come in to work -- yay! And Sunday I get to be at my wonderful new church the Lord has provided for me!

This has been a good day overall. It's gone by pretty fast.

It was fun seeing the cats yesterday. Mo was especially happy to see me, I think, bounding up to me with meows and fur rubs, but I think Dietrich [whom I've been told "doesn't like to be picked up" :o)] was kind of glad I was there as well! I love cats.

I enjoyed getting to share the C&E requests last night at prayer meeting.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I am feeling sleepy.

This post won't be very long because I have two hungry cats, Mo and Dietrich, awaiting my care before I can rest and get ready for tonight's prayer meeting. :oD No, I don't have a cat ... although someday I would really LIKE to own one. [I personally think they are one of God's most beautiful animal creations. :o)]

I'm simply taking care of some cats this week for a married couple serving at the ministry, while they are in Washington encouraging supporters and friends. [Oh yeah, and one of the cats actually belongs to another co-worker who is out of town for just a little bit, helping with a ministry initiative that by God's grace will reach so many with the Gospel.]

Way cool, what both sets of cat owners are doing, and that I can be a small part by taking care of their handsome felines.

Monday, April 10, 2006

I can't believe how quickly today has passed. All in all, it's been a GOOD day. Juli and I went to lunch at Arby's and had fun talking about awesome experiences in India, as well as Christopher and Banks, one of our favorite clothing stores that I discovered only a few weeks ago. :oD My friend Shelley just loves it there; a few moments after we first walked in, it was so much fun seeing her run around like a kid in the candy store! She was excited because she had been looking for exactly those kinds of clothes (more casual, but still nice!) for work.

We also had our weekly editors review meeting at work, this morning. This is basically a meeting to go over reports from the field, and discuss/decide which of our various publications they'll be used in. Our time went well, and we had some really great laughs as well.

And tonight, I'm looking forward to relaxing around the apartment (after I make one stop). While I watch a movie and go through some things at the apartment, I am going to put ice on my feet and rub them, as this is supposed to help them get better. I'm thankful that I can still bike ride for exercise, even if I can't take long walks! Of course, I think my bike tires need to be checked out because they've been losing air very quickly. :oD

Well, have a good evening, friends.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

I rented the cutest movie yesterday. I also took a four-hour nap, talked to my friend Nicole from S.C. :o), made southwest chicken chili (yum!), talked to my mom, and took a bike ride.

The name of the movie was The Prince and Me II. [Guys, it was definitely a chick flick! But for the most part VERY clean, which is a wonderful and pleasant surprise considering so many movies these days.]

I had a nice evening after waking up from my long siesta. And you couldn't have asked for more beautiful weather; it was gorgeous out.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Last night, I mean, uh, this morning :oD, was all-night prayer here at GFA. Even though I was tired and at first struggling with something when I arrived, as I got into the evening I felt energized and invigorated to be around His people, my brothers and sisters in Christ, interceding for the things that are on HIS heart. Praise God.

Yesterday afternoon, relaxing a little at my apartment before all-night prayer, I was thinking again about how I am thankful for how hard circumstances drive me to a deeper walk with Christ [when I allow them to!]. I am very thankful for that and excited for that in a "by faith" sense, but it still doesn't mean the hard times are always easy to go through.

Well, just then, seeking some encouragement and a chance to "refocus", I was listening to a really good sermon tape from church. [I liked that sermon so much I bought the $5 CD. :o)] The speaker was going through the life of Joseph, and something he said stood out to me once again: "Nothing in our lives is wasted. Every suffering, every hardship has a purpose." I was so happy to be reminded of this that I practically wanted to jump up and down, right there in my apartment. :o)

Which, by the way, probably wouldn't have been a good idea for two reasons:
1) I live in a second-story apartment, and the poor person below probably would have thought I was crazy or something. Oh wait, she already thinks that. [just kidding :o)]
2) My feet have been hurting for several weeks now, even without doing that much walking. I have been putting ice on it and rubbing it, as my mom suggested, and I will try to do some stretches that can help it. And the most powerful thing, ultimately, is prayer! This being said, though, I was thinking about all this yesterday, and although it's not fun for them to hurt since I haven't been able to take my walks at the nature preserve, I am also willing to go through this if this is something God wants for me at this time. It is a privilege to suffer for His sake in this way, if He would want this. I know it is all for a greater purpose, something beyond me.

I am so thankful for these wonderful lessons learned through hardship [really very small hardship in the large scheme of things!], and for the perspective I can have because of Jesus. Now if I could just take all this I am learning and use it to die to my flesh more often. [Translation: I tend to do better with "suffering" that I have no control over than me purposing in my heart to deliberately CHOOSE to crucify my flesh, not because I have to, but for a greater good.] But the Lord is really working on me ... and I thank Him for that. Caty and I had such a good chat at lunch the other day, and I was telling her how I was so thankful that He loves us enough to deliberately orchestrate things in our lives in such a way as to drive us closer to HIM. That's my heart's desire ... intimacy with HIM. [I know I can say that for Caty as well!]

Well, I am excited about what this day holds. I am planning to fix a white kidney bean chicken chili, and looking forward to that. :o) I may also go bike riding; that should be fine for my feet! And of course I want to catch up on picking up around the apartment and all, and probably get out a little bit and pay a few bills.

Each day we get to be here on this earth, breathing and worshipping our Creator, is special.

Friday, April 07, 2006

This is hilarious.

I didn't make it to a movie at the dollar theater last night, either. [Hmmmm ... is God trying to tell me something? :o)] Instead, I ran into a neighbor and acquaintance when I was going to feed Miss Priscilla. We have met before at the nature preserve and recognized each other. We also ran into each other a couple of weeks ago at Kohl's and were chatting like we'd always known each other. :o)

Anyhow, she was saying how she'd just thought about me the other day but realized she didn't know how to get in touch with me, but figured we'd run into each other again. [I really think it was a divine encounter!] She told me to come by after I fed Miss Priscilla, so we could exchange numbers. What is really cool is that I got to witness (just a little) to her and her daughter, who's a single mom.

I love when things like that happen. God is good.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Caty and I had a nice lunch. And now I have half a chicken salad sandwich I can enjoy today or tomorrow for supper. :o)

Last night I didn't go see a movie at the dollar theater. I stayed home and picked up a little in the apartment and then had some time with the Lord, singing praise songs. But around 9, I got tired and decided it would be good to go to bed. ; )

I may go see a movie at the dollar theater tonight; we'll see! I know that right after work I need to go by my friend's house and check on her cat, Miss Priscilla. And check her mail ... and mine. :o)

There is a situation in which I want to fully trust God for the outcome. I know ultimately He can always be trusted; it can just be a challenge when it comes to life circumstances. I think He is teaching me patience and trust.

Even though it's not always fun, and my flesh doesn't like it, I thank the Lord that He loves me enough to orchestrate circumstances in my life in such a way as to drive me closer to Him and make me more like Him, which are my heart's desires.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Today our Believers Cafe downstairs served meatloaf and mashed potatoes. YUM. I thoroughly enjoyed my lunch. Here I go, talking about food again. :o)

I just got done vacuuming and cleaning in our department area. We all take turns doing that. It went pretty well, although I hope my shoulders aren't sore tomorrow from pushing around the vaccuum we all have affectionately dubbed "Big Blue." They were already a little sore, I think.

Well, I am looking forward to doing something nice and relaxing this evening ... even if just grabbing supper with one of my Chick-fila coupons. :o) I was thinking I might go see a movie at the dollar theater .... we'll see. I've sort of been wanting to see Cheaper By the Dozen 2 sometime or another, if I get the chance.

Tomorrow I'm going to lunch with a co-worker and friend, Caty. It's so encouraging to me when we get together, because often we go through similar kinds of things and can share (at least in a general way) what we are going through and what the Lord is teaching us.

I don't know about you, but for me, I am SO encouraged to find out I'm not "the only one". ;o)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Our group lunch at McAlister's was fun.

I split the smoked turkey sandwich on sourdough bread, with fruit cup as a side, with one of my friends and co-workers, Erik. We all had a nice time!

Tonight is prayer meeting . . . and there are a few things I may go do before then. I still have a "close to my heart" situation I'm wanting to trust GOD completely for, without reservation. I KNOW deep down He can be trusted, it's just hard sometimes when it comes to real-life circumstances that are uncertain or that I'm seeking His perspective in.

I think He is teaching me much in this area, though.

Well I should go. I'm looking forward to prayer meeting tonight. Catch you all later!

Monday, April 03, 2006

I like my new church so much.

The Muslim outreach seminar went well. I learned a few things about Muslims, but I think the biggest thing the Lord really blessed me with was getting to know people from the church.

I am so excited to be there -- and thrilled at how God has made His leading so clear thus far. I wrote an email just now to the Sunday school teacher and his wife at my "old" church. They, as well as the whole group there, have meant SO much to me. I feel the Lord really blessed me with their companionship, just when I most needed it. And, as I told them in my note, "I don't intend to be a stranger. Think of this more as 'see you a little less often' than 'goodbye'. :o)

Well, I'm heading home now so I can straighten up a little in the apartment, because Tirina is coming over in a few minutes so we can have chili and pray together. I look forward to that.

Then tomorrow is a big group lunch at McAlister's. I can't wait.