Welcome, dear friends! Here you will find an assortment of snippets and reflections ... and hopefully some encouraging quotes from people like John Piper and C.S. Lewis and ... most of all ... the Scriptures. :-) Leave a comment if you'd like - I would love to hear from you! Have a GREAT day.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Today our "newcomers" class at church was canceled, so I sat in on the main Sunday school class. The pastor was talking about worship, and how they are so much wanting to gear things in such a way to where people experience Jesus as their everything.

This is so much what I desire in my own life. That He be my biggest, all-consuming passion. It is wonderful to be in His presence, spending time with Him, and that's something I need to do much more!

It was fun; after church, I got two lunch invites and one supper invite for tomorrow! Today I ate with Dennis and Dawn's family, along with several others. We had pot roast, carrots and potatoes. Yum! It was a nice time. I love that I'm already getting to know people at my new church. I already felt this was the church for me, even before I really knew anybody, so it's an added bonus that I've already gotten to meet and talk to so many people there.

I took an hour nap this afternoon, chatted with my mom, and knew I needed to buckle down and work on my SEND! articles, with the deadline close approaching. But I felt I should have time with the Lord first, as He needs to be my inspiration so I can write His words. So ... I felt like He wanted me to read in Exodus. I didn't necessarily have a strong desire to read there today, so I was like, "Are you sure, Lord? Did I hear you right?"

Anyhow, God is SO awesome. I started reading in Exodus and could hardly put it down. Six chapters later, I finally was like, "Okay, I've GOT to start working on my articles." The awesome thing was that reading about the Egyptians and their slavery totally parallels the article I was planning to work on tonight, about our outreach to the Dalits who are in a sense enslaved as the "lowest of the low" in their society.

And the really cool thing? I was reading about Moses, and thinking, Whoa. He got to be a part of liberating the Israelites; how exciting for him! Then I remembered, Wow, I'm getting to reach out to the Dalit people and see THEM experience freedom in Christ. Incredible -- what a privilege.

God is so good.

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