Welcome, dear friends! Here you will find an assortment of snippets and reflections ... and hopefully some encouraging quotes from people like John Piper and C.S. Lewis and ... most of all ... the Scriptures. :-) Leave a comment if you'd like - I would love to hear from you! Have a GREAT day.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Last night, I mean, uh, this morning :oD, was all-night prayer here at GFA. Even though I was tired and at first struggling with something when I arrived, as I got into the evening I felt energized and invigorated to be around His people, my brothers and sisters in Christ, interceding for the things that are on HIS heart. Praise God.

Yesterday afternoon, relaxing a little at my apartment before all-night prayer, I was thinking again about how I am thankful for how hard circumstances drive me to a deeper walk with Christ [when I allow them to!]. I am very thankful for that and excited for that in a "by faith" sense, but it still doesn't mean the hard times are always easy to go through.

Well, just then, seeking some encouragement and a chance to "refocus", I was listening to a really good sermon tape from church. [I liked that sermon so much I bought the $5 CD. :o)] The speaker was going through the life of Joseph, and something he said stood out to me once again: "Nothing in our lives is wasted. Every suffering, every hardship has a purpose." I was so happy to be reminded of this that I practically wanted to jump up and down, right there in my apartment. :o)

Which, by the way, probably wouldn't have been a good idea for two reasons:
1) I live in a second-story apartment, and the poor person below probably would have thought I was crazy or something. Oh wait, she already thinks that. [just kidding :o)]
2) My feet have been hurting for several weeks now, even without doing that much walking. I have been putting ice on it and rubbing it, as my mom suggested, and I will try to do some stretches that can help it. And the most powerful thing, ultimately, is prayer! This being said, though, I was thinking about all this yesterday, and although it's not fun for them to hurt since I haven't been able to take my walks at the nature preserve, I am also willing to go through this if this is something God wants for me at this time. It is a privilege to suffer for His sake in this way, if He would want this. I know it is all for a greater purpose, something beyond me.

I am so thankful for these wonderful lessons learned through hardship [really very small hardship in the large scheme of things!], and for the perspective I can have because of Jesus. Now if I could just take all this I am learning and use it to die to my flesh more often. [Translation: I tend to do better with "suffering" that I have no control over than me purposing in my heart to deliberately CHOOSE to crucify my flesh, not because I have to, but for a greater good.] But the Lord is really working on me ... and I thank Him for that. Caty and I had such a good chat at lunch the other day, and I was telling her how I was so thankful that He loves us enough to deliberately orchestrate things in our lives in such a way as to drive us closer to HIM. That's my heart's desire ... intimacy with HIM. [I know I can say that for Caty as well!]

Well, I am excited about what this day holds. I am planning to fix a white kidney bean chicken chili, and looking forward to that. :o) I may also go bike riding; that should be fine for my feet! And of course I want to catch up on picking up around the apartment and all, and probably get out a little bit and pay a few bills.

Each day we get to be here on this earth, breathing and worshipping our Creator, is special.

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