Welcome, dear friends! Here you will find an assortment of snippets and reflections ... and hopefully some encouraging quotes from people like John Piper and C.S. Lewis and ... most of all ... the Scriptures. :-) Leave a comment if you'd like - I would love to hear from you! Have a GREAT day.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Gotta love Fridays. :o)

It was a good day.

I went to Qdoba Mexican Grill for lunch with Cindi, a friend and co-worker. We had never been, but both give it a "thumbs up." Very reasonable, good food, enough leftovers for tomorrow's lunch. :o) We had a nice time catching up.

Tonight I caught up with my friend and former roommie, Tirina, over pizza and Dutch cookies. :o) We prayed together, watched one episode of this interesting fashion show, and watched the movie Rat Race! Then I was sleepy all of a sudden. But we had a nice time together.

Right after work today, I got my hair cut. As the lady gets ready to style it, she suddenly blurts out rather animatedly, in her cute El Salvador accent, "The flat iron is going to be your new best friend." [My hair is naturally wavy, and she decided to use a flat iron to straighten it tonight. I took pictures to document the event, as my hair will likely never be that straight again. :oD] I let out a hearty laugh, for she and I both know, or at least she should know, that:
A) I hardly even know what a flat iron is; I *barely* know what a curling iron is. LOL.
B) I like to stick to the basics and keep it very simple ... my hair "routine" pretty much consists of washing it, brushing it, and maybe putting it back in a barrette or ponytail holder. Oh yeah, and blowdrying it if I've washed it right before I need to be somewhere. :c)
C) Most of the time, I don't really even wear make-up. Sometimes I do put on lip gloss and mascara.

Still, it was kind of fun watching her try, as she proceeded to tell me all about the "how-to's" of using a flat-iron and where to buy one.

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