Welcome, dear friends! Here you will find an assortment of snippets and reflections ... and hopefully some encouraging quotes from people like John Piper and C.S. Lewis and ... most of all ... the Scriptures. :-) Leave a comment if you'd like - I would love to hear from you! Have a GREAT day.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Today our Believers Cafe downstairs served meatloaf and mashed potatoes. YUM. I thoroughly enjoyed my lunch. Here I go, talking about food again. :o)

I just got done vacuuming and cleaning in our department area. We all take turns doing that. It went pretty well, although I hope my shoulders aren't sore tomorrow from pushing around the vaccuum we all have affectionately dubbed "Big Blue." They were already a little sore, I think.

Well, I am looking forward to doing something nice and relaxing this evening ... even if just grabbing supper with one of my Chick-fila coupons. :o) I was thinking I might go see a movie at the dollar theater .... we'll see. I've sort of been wanting to see Cheaper By the Dozen 2 sometime or another, if I get the chance.

Tomorrow I'm going to lunch with a co-worker and friend, Caty. It's so encouraging to me when we get together, because often we go through similar kinds of things and can share (at least in a general way) what we are going through and what the Lord is teaching us.

I don't know about you, but for me, I am SO encouraged to find out I'm not "the only one". ;o)

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