Welcome, dear friends! Here you will find an assortment of snippets and reflections ... and hopefully some encouraging quotes from people like John Piper and C.S. Lewis and ... most of all ... the Scriptures. :-) Leave a comment if you'd like - I would love to hear from you! Have a GREAT day.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Girls nite out.

Mall, Chick-fila, Shopping, Chocolate, and a movie.

What more could a girl want? The movie was incredible, actually, AND showed me that there's SO much more I want. Not stuff ... although, yes, my flesh too often craves stuff. No, not stuff. Unless you're talking about hte kind of stuff that money can't buy. Stuff of the Kingdom.

But I'll get to that in a minute.

8:30 or thereabouts. Still a good hour and a half before the movie starts. Tami, Robin, Wendy and I at Pacific Sun because I want to look for clearance cloth belts that I use as headbands. They're hanging out and chatting. I'm in line to buy my $2.99 headband ... it feels like the people ahead of me are taking a century, but maybe just because I feel people are waiting for me.

A lady with grayish hair put up in a "showercap-like" contraption is in line with what I assume are her children and grandchildren. She's just kind of standing there ... but a little close for my comfort level. Especially considering a non-too-pleasant odor is coming from her direction. I mean, forbid, what if one of the guys standing behind me thinks it's me? Involuntarily, I step back. Then suddenly I hear the Lord's voice in my heart, "She is one of the people I love, who needs to be reached with the message of my love. She is one of the people the native missionaries in Asia (www.gfa.org) are sacrificing of themselves daily just so they can reach with my love."

Looking back on that incident, it's incredible to think of how it also ties in with the movie we watched. Amazing to me lately how God has totally been driving themes into my life repeatedly. But in such a faithful yet very patient and kind way. He's AMAZING.

Anyhow, about the movie ... If I let it, it quite possibly has the opportunity to radically change my life from this point forward. It was ... out of this world. The Lord spoke to me throughout it. The deceitfulness and utter depravity of the human heart. The blindness of so many people who have never heard of my Jesus as I have! The awesomeness of God pouring out His abundant love, compassion and forgiveness through His people, when humanly speaking it would seem impossible. The fervent dedication of one man to reach a remote tribe with the Gospel, even if it meant losing his life. The passion and drive God gave him for the Kingdom's work. "Betty, we don't have two years. We have ONE CHANCE to reach these people" That grabbed me. Made me want to be much more dedicated and focused on the task He has given me.

Then my devotional this morning, from Streams in the Dessert, quoted Acts 20:24 about Paul not counting his life dear to himself for the sake of the Kingdom.

Incredible. May I be given the grace to actively apply these things in my life. I want my life to forever be different because of this night. Amen.

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