Welcome, dear friends! Here you will find an assortment of snippets and reflections ... and hopefully some encouraging quotes from people like John Piper and C.S. Lewis and ... most of all ... the Scriptures. :-) Leave a comment if you'd like - I would love to hear from you! Have a GREAT day.

Monday, August 06, 2007

I am doing well, I think! And a bit tired, but not nearly as much as I was last Thursday. :-D

Saturday some of us gals who work in our department went and grilled kabobs (yum!!!) and made smores at a co-worker's house about 40 minutes away. I hung out over there for a while, then walked at a lake, talked to my mom, and made some returns at the outlet mall on my way home. I enjoyed walking around at the outlet mall, doing a little shopping there, and enjoying a refreshing soda at the Cinnamonster. :-D It was a nice, relaxing evening.

Yesterday was fun, too, going to eat with at Baker Brothers with a group from class after church. We have a pretty big class and a bunch of people showed up, so we were all moving our tables down so we could fit in another table without blocking the doorway. Only one thing we hadn't figured on ... all the tables were, like, seriously, obnoxiously noisy to move. So there we all are, moving all these tables and chairs in this crowded restaurant. [I guess we announced our presence pretty well!] We were laughing so hard.

Last night after resting a bit around the apartment and doing some laundry and spending some time in my Bible study, I went out to watch some of the class play competitive volleyball. I brought a SEND! article I was working on with me, and it was refreshing sitting out there in the breeze, working a bit on that. The Lord gave me a breakthrough in the article, too, which was pretty exciting!

I am still working on some SEND! stuff. I will try to work on it quite a bit more tonight, and, by faith, have my remaining two articles finished relatively soon. :-) There's still a ways to go and some things to figure out, but it's exciting to see how things are coming together for these articles. That's always a good feeling.

Then sometime tonight, a friend and I will be meeting for our weekly prayer time at a coffee shop. :o)

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