Welcome, dear friends! Here you will find an assortment of snippets and reflections ... and hopefully some encouraging quotes from people like John Piper and C.S. Lewis and ... most of all ... the Scriptures. :-) Leave a comment if you'd like - I would love to hear from you! Have a GREAT day.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hope for the Least of These

This is a video about precious Dalit children in Asia, put together by a co-worker at the ministry ... I have seen this a number of times, but again found myself in tears ... even sobs ... as I watched it today at my desk. [To watch, go to the end of this entry and click on the arrow ... It will start playing for you.]

Oh, how my heart goes out for these precious children, so dear to the heart of the Father. I thank the Lord for, once again, lifting me above the "here and now" ... the things around me that I can so easily allow to distract me ... and opening my eyes afresh to some of the things that breaks His heart ... How humbled I feel, and yet how in need I am of Him to remind me ... of what is important, what is dear to His kind and loving heart!

These children's lives here on this earth are so hard ... yet there is incredible hope for them in Jesus .... For a while now, I've been able to sponsor some of the precious children whose plights are like those shown in this video clip and I thank the Lord for this ... at the same time I'm so challenged that I could be a lot more purposeful with my finances so that maybe I could help another precious child! What greater joy could we have to invest in during this lifetime, than in the things of eternity, the things dear to His heart? :)

If your heart is touched by this video ... I so much encourage you to pray about whether the Lord may be calling you to sponsor a precious child, too ... bringing the transforming hope of Jesus to a child and his/her family! I promise you, you won't regret it. (Even if you don't feel you can help a little one in Asia financially at this time ... you can PRAY ... this is huge!!!)

Monday, April 27, 2009

A Place Where We'll Never Grow Weary

I have been kind of tired lately, and felt weary at times ... Last week was really busy with writing projects, and while I honestly enjoyed a good bit of it (writing is fun!), I don't think I realized until later just how tired I was. ;-) Life in general has felt so busy for a while now ... I am finding myself in need of making sure I'm not doing "too much" ... of taking time to rest and be rejuvenated ... and realizing that I shouldn't feel "guilty" about needing my rest ... the Lord can use me sooo much more if I'm rested than if I'm not! :-) And I believe He desires that we take those times to rest and rejuvenate while here on this earth in our finite bodies ...

The pastor's message at church yesterday was on Heaven. It was so encouraging ... He was talking about how our best moments on this earth are a tiny foretaste of Heaven ... and of course, they can't even begin to compare to the exquisite joys of Heaven. :) It will be amazing ... and, too, we will have heavenly bodies and will be able to enjoy an infinite amount of fellowship with the One who created us and with other believers, without ever running out of time or energy. Think about how awesome that will be!

Romans 8:18 tells us that those weary moments, those trials, anything we experience that may try to discourage us or weary us here on this earth ... none of that is worthy of being compared with the glories of Heaven. What a wonderful promise! I remember another passage, I believe in 1 Peter, about how our trials here on this earth are only "for a little while" ... a very short while ... compared with eternity in Heaven! :)

I am feeling more energized and encouraged already ... how 'bout y'all? :o) I do think I'm going to take a walk at the nature preserve in this nice weather and listen to my GoBible. I have definitely been challenged and convicted lately of how I need to be in the Word so much more ... I love Jesus SO much and want to know Him more each day. How dearly I love Him, even if with an imperfect human love as long as I'm on this side of Heaven, and how I long each day for more of Him and less of me. I am grateful He is so patient with me ...

Here's a song that encouraged me so much just now ... hope it encourages you all, too. :) And if any of you don't know this amazing God personally ... I would LOVE to tell you how you can have a personal relationship with the One who created you and wants to redeem you. You won't regret it!

Everlasting God
Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord

Our God, You reign forever
Our hope, our Strong Deliverer
You are the everlasting God
The everlasting God
You do not faint
You won't grow weary

Our God, You reign forever
Our hope, our Strong Deliverer
You are the everlasting God
The everlasting God
You do not faint
You won't grow weary

You're the defender of the weak
You comfort those in need
You lift us up on wings like eagles

*lyrics by Benton Brown

Thursday, April 09, 2009

"Your name and renown..."

Isaiah 26:8

8 Yes, LORD, walking in the way of your laws,
we wait for you;
your name and renown
are the desire of our hearts

I was reminded of this verse recently ... I love what it says! This is what life is all about ... Growing to know more deeply the Lord who has redeemed us, and seeking to bring Him glory. [If you aren't sure what I am talking about... just ask me ... I would so much love to share more with you of how you can put your trust in the One who gave His life to redeem you ... the one whose resurrection many will joyfully celebrate this Sunday! I promise you, it is the most important decision you could ever make in this life.]

This verse is so freeing to me ... It frees me to see all of life, good and bad (from our limited human perspective) from that wonderful higher perspective ... to forsake lesser pursuits for the ultimate of knowing my dear Savior more fully and intimately, and seeking to make Him known and glorified among the nations ... precious people He shed His blood for, whether it be those on the other side of the world or my neighbors in my apartment complex.

As I live life ... whether working at the ministry, or going to church or Bible study, or watching a movie with a friend or meeting a friend for dinner ... when I see all of it from the greater perspective of knowing Jesus more and making Him known ... what a wonderful viewpoint it gives all of life! How grateful I am that there is something so much greater to live for ... infinitely ... than myself. Oh, how I yearn to be more and more God-focused ... I yearn for more of Jesus, less of me. I realize the way to this is often through pain and suffering ... and have seen this at different times in my life ... but have soooooo far to go in this area of being more Jesus-focused. May the Lord make me strong and make me more and more like Him. I love Him so much and yearn for more of Him.

As we approach this Easter weekend ... isn't it amazing to think of the love Jesus had for us? Think of what He went through ... for you ... for me. What incredible love for us as sinful human beings. Oh, that more and more people would experience this love for themselves this Easter season.