Welcome, dear friends! Here you will find an assortment of snippets and reflections ... and hopefully some encouraging quotes from people like John Piper and C.S. Lewis and ... most of all ... the Scriptures. :-) Leave a comment if you'd like - I would love to hear from you! Have a GREAT day.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Wow. Has it really been so long since I last posted?

Things are going quite well for me! In general, it feels like the Lord has been teaching me SO much, I think especially through life's events.

The last two weeks have been incredibly busy, in a good way. They have flown by because I've been working on projects. One is a 2,000-2,500 article about our radio ministry at GFA. I'll try to post the link in a few months when the article comes out in SEND!. I've SO much enjoyed working on these articles. :O)

And now it's the weekend and I plan to,
A) Continue working on another article that I just received feedback and edits back on, and
B) Do stuff around the apartment, and
C) Help my friend and co-worker Christine, as we colabor together in our free garden plots :o)
D) Hang out with my Sunday school class. Tonight us gals are getting together and someone's gonna put make-up on us. That should be interesting since I virtually NEVER wear make-up. :oD I can't wait to hang out and have girl time, though! Then tomorrow night, a group of us (everyone who can make it) will go eat supper together and go to this game place ... I hear it has laser tag. I've never played laser tag but often have thought it sounded like fun!

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